Group Name | Contact | Comments |
Animal Talk / Nolukhanyo Animal Relief Fund | Elmarie Ward 082 426 73591 | NARF is a registered NGO (2021/760568/08) that feeds, sterilises and cares for animals in the Bathurst township, homing puppies and organising vet visits, etc. |
Bathurst 4 x 4 and Off-Road Crowd | Jürgen Kahle 083 694 0969 | Arranges fun outings and offers technical and other support to 4 x 4 enthusiasts |
Bathurst Animal Rescue | Vivien Challis 079 690 1757 | Assists people who have lost animals, want to adopt new ones, need help with food, blankets or other equipment. Anything that improves life for animals in Bathurst |
Bathurst Arts and Crafts | Vivien Challis 079 690 1757 | This is a free advertising group, strictly for local handmade and homegrown products |
Bathurst Bargains | Belinda Barnard 079 213 3312 | Advertises as-cheap-as-possible second-hand goods, and promotes what’s for sale at The Charity Shop, whose funds go towards House of Hope shelter for the destitute |
Bathurst Bird Group | Andrew Warren 082 668 9099 | Members share information and their own nature photos and discuss local birds, wildlife and plants seen in our area |
Bathurst Buy Nothing | Gabby Serfontein 063 425 3713 | or Lauren Brunette 071 683 3931 This is a group for swaps and trades or barter. Nothing is bought or sold. |
Bathurst Civic Affairs | Chris Boyd 074 104 5374 | |
Bathurst, Eastern Cape, SA | Leaticia Venter 082 357 2871 | This is a whatsapp community to which you automatically get added if you join either Bathurst Gig Guide or Taste of Bathurst |
Bathurst Forum | Gavin Came 083 675 3185 | General information group – probably the biggest group in the Village and perhaps the best place to find out what’s really going on and who holds strong opinions |
Bathurst Gig Guide | Leaticia Venter 082 357 2871 | |
Bathurst Gardeners | Chris Boyd 074 104 5374 | |
Bathurst Methodist Church | Tom Penlington 082 809 9062 | The oldest church in Bathurst has a service at 9 a.m. every Sunday morning, and Holy Communion on the last Sunday of every month. |
Bathurst Riding Club | Anne White 072 614 3259 | Bringing the fun back into riding, this group organises outrides on the Commonage and in the Village, has a Formation Riding Team, and hosts a number of horse shows. |
Bathurst Striders | Charlotte Brennan 072 274 4100 | |
BR&RA Municipal Services | Elizabeth Milne 065-730-0473 | Neighborhood concerns about Municipal services, especially urgent issues, like water leaks |
BR&RA Members | Elizabeth Milne 065-730-0473 | Platform used by BR&RA Committee to share information about local issues with BT&TA members |
Community B.A.S. | Chrissie Craddock 072 296 4993 | This serves as a link between the Bathurst Agricultural Society, the Village, and the surrounding farming community |
Concerned Citizens | Llewellyn Moss 082 051 2623 | A useful contact point for people with concerns that don’t quite fit anything else, or are looking for information on a local business or the availability of a service |
Electricity (and Water) Issues | Patrick Grafton 063 639 0521 | Patrick has been running a one-man rescue mission for the community in respect of difficulties with Eskom over electricity and the municipality over water. |
Emergencies! | Mary Riley 073 209 8794 | Genuine emergency reporting and assistance only – major accident, fire, flood or other disaster. No follow-up chatter! Someone else may need urgent assistance |
Equine Eatery | Sabrina Dean 082 222 9172 | |
French Group | Mary Riley 073 209 8794 | Foreign language conversation group for people wishing to retain, improve or learn French. |
Friends of Waters Meeting | Elizabeth Milne 065 730 0473 | Or Rina Grant – 079 519 5650 Nature-oriented talks on the first Saturday of each month, occasional guided hikes, and the Thicket Festival each spring to celebrate our very special eco-system. |
German Group | Mary Riley 073 209 8794 | Foreign language conversation group for people wishing to retain, improve or learn German. |
Line Dancing Group | Yolande 073 575 2703 | Or Debra Gibson – 076 112 6509 Ladies and gents meet every other Sunday at Pikes Post, Agricultural Museum, to learn line dancing, using a variety of dance and musical genres |
Ploughman Events | Lihani van der Merwe 066 285 0605 | The Ploughman Pub organises various events, a quiz night, music concerts, etc. and also hosts Friends of Waters Meeting’s gatherings every month at Pike’s Post |
Safety and Security | Mary Riley 073 209 8794 | Non emergency safety and security issues can be shared on this group |
St John’s Church (Members’ group) | Mary Riley 073 209 8794 | The St John’s Anglican Church congregation shares news etc. on this group |
Taste of Bathurst | Leaticia Venter 082 357 2871 | Dedicated to all things food and beverage in Bathurst, the go-to destination if you want recommendations, are organising a food related event, or just want to indulge |
Xhosa Conversations | Bev Moore 083 797 3378 | An indigenous language group that meets weekly for those wishing to learn isiXhosa or improve their language skills to have some fun while learning |