July 2024: Elizabeth, Chair of BR&RA reported that the Municipality had cleaned water reservoir and consequently the water in Bathurst is now clear.
April 2024: BR&RA asked the community about areas with discoloured and smelly water, as well as which roads are in particularly bad state.
Traffic calming proposal for Kowie Rd and Trappes St: BR&RA created a sheet for signatures to be collected for a petition for speed humps.
12th January 2024: A water leak was reported today and fixed by the municipality by 11:00 am. However, due to the water loss the reservoir is now very low and water supply can only be switched back on later in the day.
2023: Clean-up of Kowie Road: Bathurst’s municipal supervisor currently (September) has a team of EPWP people working with him. They have created a 1.5m walkway along Kowie Road. They also picked up litter etc. along the way. The clean-up included mowing the grass on some verges where property owners have not already done this.
We urge residents to report any problem that seems to require municipal intervention to a member of the BR&RA committee to relay to the appropriate official. One Sunday in October 23 there was a water leak bothering a resident. It was repaired that same day!
A neighbourhood Road survey is underway by the Bathurst Striders in conjunction with BR&RA, where roads are in need of maintenance. The following problems are noted:
- Road Surface (wet and slippery, erosion, potholes, impassable)
- Road verge (obstruction of traffic, obscuring road signs, etc.)
- Invasive alien vegetation
- water & sanitation (location of water or sewage leaks)
- Telkom / Eskom cables (loose or damaged or impacted by trees)
- Fencing & gates (containment of animals)
The survey project is aimed at enabling us to arrive at a constructive way to draw specific roads issues to the municipality’s attention. For maximum traction with the municipality, our coverage of roads needs to extend to Nolukhanyo.
Presently we are attending regular monthly meetings with the relevant authorities, and hopefully get the Municipality to do the necessary repairs.