Minutes of Bathurst Residents and Ratepayers Association
Annual General Meeting 2024
Held on 13th November 2024 at Memorial Hall, Bathurst Showgrounds
Elizabeth Milne opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. She read out several apologies.
Attendance Register and apologies are available on request.
Minutes of last year’s AGM were proposed, seconded and accepted.
Chair’s report: Elizabeth reported on the past year’s activities, “What we hoped to do, what we didn’t succeed at, what we managed, what’s more or less under way, and what we hope for in the coming year.” See attached Chair’s report.
Financial Report: Warwick Lewarne reported on Finances and membership. See attached Financial report.
Chris Boyd raised some questions about dogs, zoning and tourism plans and what BR&RA’s stance were on these questions. Elizabeth explained that these were touchy subjects on which BR&RA was not going to take sides, so as to not create a division amongst the community.
The entire committee stood down and Ryana Johnson proceeded to hold the election of the committee for the new year. The entire committee was re-elected, namely
Elizabeth Milne Chair
Warwick Lewarne Finances
Clare Rothwell Special Projects
Monty Roodt Commonage Management
Danie Boneschans Safety & security
Thea Venter Pineapple Festival Coordinator
Michele Rowley Sunshine Coast Tourism Liaison
Maya Stricker Website and records
Elizabeth thanked the community for their support. She expressed the wish to co-opt more volunteers for the specific areas where the committee needs to have a helping hand.
These are: Membership Recruitment and Relations, Municipal Liaison, Environmental Care and Township Liaison.
The meeting closed at 19.40 pm.
Bathurst Residents and Rate Payers Association will be holding our Annual General Meeting of Members at 5.30 for 6.00 pm on Wednesday 13 November 2024 in the Memorial Hall at Bathurst Showgrounds. Please renew your R150 annual subscription before that date. Forms etc on our website www.brra.org.za. No cash will be accepted at the meeting for late subscriptions. If eft payments are made the same day, please bring proof of payment.
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 22nd November 2023
Ray Schenk’s presentation on the importance of working with the Municipality was truely enlightening and very interesting.
Chair’s Report – available here
Financial Report – available here
Election of Committee: No new nominations were presented and the committee was re-elected as follows:
Chair Elizabeth Milne
Treasurer Warwick Lewarne
Secretary Claire Rothwell