There are many unanswered questions around the commonage – starting with who owns it. The community (both the Village and Nolukhanyo) think the municipality holds it in custodianship for the community. What are the municipality’s plans regarding the rubbish dump, sand mine, cattle farm, housing, hunting?
The Commonage is a vital resource to the people of Bathurst and a balanced and sustainable manner of effective utilization must be found so that all residents may benefit.
A group of Environmental Science students from Rhodes was busy with a study of Bathurst commonage. Parts of the Commonage remain under threat from the poorly managed landfill site and the possibility of a sand/gravel mine opening in the same proximity. Also, it seems that Ndlambe intend to continue with plans to abstract water from the Lushington River.
Presently a fence is being erected along the Southwell road. Cattle are using it for gazing and some people enjoy walking in the commonage.
– How do we manage its various uses sustainably?
– History of the Bathurst Commonage.
– What is the Commonage and what does it do?
For full information, please click here
Report of Commonage Management Volunteer
The priorities for the Bathurst Commonage management for 2024 are as follows:
- Establishment of a representative and accountable Commonage Management Committee;
- To engage with the Ndlambe Municipality to embark on a process of effective management of the landfill/municipal dump;
- To engage with private landowners and governmental institutions responsible for the ownership and management of land adjacent to the commonage to ascertain areas of common interest and threats to the commonage’s integrity and ensure that the interests of Bathurst residents are preserved and maximised.
- To actively promote the commonage’s environmental integrity and explore economic and social opportunities for the benefit of the residents beyond those already practised.
To this end, members of BR&RA committee communicated with an adjacent landowner, met with Eastern Cape Nature Conservation, Bushman’s River Rate Payer’s Association, attended a SANParks Biodiversity Economy Node Workshop, met with Nolukhanyo Cattle Owners Association amongst various other initiatives.
In addition, the executive committee has submitted several Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) applications to the Ndlambe Municipality, seeking information and clarity on issues affecting the landfill and commonage.
DES Report on the Bathurst commonage cultural ecosystem services June 2024 – the product of a Rhodes University Environmental Science 3rd Year student research project, which was conducted in collaboration with residents of Bathurst and Nolukhanyo in 2023. See the full report by clicking here .