Ndlambe Municipality News & Info

Ndlambe Municipality Names and Telephone numbers, click here.

Ndlambe Municipal Tariffs 2024-2024, click here.



See application for ERF 3124 Bathurst here


The 2024 Bathurst extract from the Ndlambe general Property valuation Roll is available here.

You can access the relevant website for the Ndlambe general Property valuaMuni Emblemtion Roll via this link: https://ndlambe.gov.za/web/document-category/valuation-rolls.

The new Ndlambe General Valuation Roll for 2024 –
Comparison and Explanation: details are available here.

Pensioners may apply for a rebate. The interested person will need to read  the T&C’s and fill in the first and the permissions (data) form. The middle (indigent subsidy) form doesn’t apply. You need to attach  3 months bank statements or proof of income and ID copy. 
The maximum income level shouldn’t be more than R18 000.00. You can download the Pensioners Rebates Application Forms here.

Below are the latest Ndlambe Rates rebates and write-offs:






For the latest information from our Municipality, check out this article about Eskom tariff increases: click here.

Our Water:

The latest water testing results are available as follows:  – Drinking Water Results
                                                                                                     – Full SANS
                                                                                                     – River Results

Water & Electricity Tariffs 2023/24 are available here. 

Useful Links

Useful Contacts

Bathurst Development Trust      Gavin Came –  083 675 3185
Bathurst Residents and Ratepayers Association (BR&RA) Elizabeth Milne  – 065 730 0473

Community Policing Forum

Fire Control

Capt. Mzileni – 071 475 1709

046 624 1111

Multi Security  (Bathurst contact)  Control room –  046 624 2508 / 046 624 3708
Sky Alarms      (Bathurst contact)            Llewellyn Moss – 082 051 2623


Whatsapp Groups and Fora in Bathurst

For a complete listing of known whatsapp groups of our village, please click here.
A listing of known neighbourhood watch whatsapp groups is to follow here.
If you know of any other group that wants to be added to this list, please let BR&RA know..

Bathurst Statistics

Population: According to the latest information puplishedSA People by the Department of Statistics of South Africa is from the Census year 2011, available on the website https://www.statssa.gov.za/.
Bathurst                       737        with a population density of       10 persons per square km
Nolukhanyo               5631        with a population density of  3625 persons per square km

These figures will be updated as soon as the statistics from the Cencus year 2022 will be available.

Domestic Animal Laws and By-Laws

AfricanisBathurst has a problem with dogs getting out of their yards.  Dog walkers, hikers, and horse riders are all complaining that it’s so bad that there are lots of no-go streets in our Village.  And the ARC research farm has lost 27 mostly pregnant goats to dogs between June and September 2023.  This level of unconcern for one’s neighbours is unacceptable, and the municipality and SAPS are finally gearing up to enforce the relevant laws and by-laws.

In case you don’t know:

It is an animal owner’s responsibility to see that their animals are suitably housed and confined to their own property.  Your animals’ behaviour, whether you planned it or not, is also your responsibility.  If an animal gets out, however that happens, you are liable if it causes a problem like, for example, a road accident, or hurts someone, or kills other animals.

You may keep 2 dogs and 2 cats without a permit.Africanis
More than 2 dogs require a permit. 
More than 2 cats, the same. 

And you need a permit for ALL other animals kept on properties within Ndlambe urban areas (including Bathurst).  You need a permit for caged rats and mice, hens, ducks, geese, rabbits, goats, sheep, cows and horses, even if it’s only one of each.  And you need letters of consent from all your immediate neighbours.

Permits are free of charge.  You fill in a form you can get from municipal Community Protection Services, or you can download it from here.  You get letters of consent from your neighbours, and you submit that whole lot to the municipality.  They come and see your property, and the permit is then generally issued.  It will normally only be turned down for roosters (noise) and pigs except pot-bellies that live in the house.  And for inadequate fences.

You can get the relevant application from the municipality, or you can download it here.